
DSCN2455Over the past 2 years the pandemic has had an effect on summer camp. Sure we had to change activities and procedures to ensure that camp was a safe place for all. But, what we saw was that our camp population counselors and campers alike seemed to have reduced abounts of confidence. It makes sence if you think about these last 2 years have robbed youth of thier milestones, the ability to grow through experience. Think about all the experiences that were robbed from them, School, Sports, Socialization and so much more. With out these experiences we find ourselves with less courage. Below is an article that I think all parents could use to help their children gain what they have lost during the years of COVID.




Six Ways to Find Your Courage During Challenging Times
Courage doesn’t have to look dramatic or fearless. Sometimes it looks more like quiet perseverance. 

“We teach who we are,” says educational philosopher Parker Palmer. 

Early in my teaching career, I participated in a series of retreats led by the Center for Courage and Renewal, inspired by Palmer’s book The Courage to Teach. Palmer reminds us that our sense of self plays out in our work every day—and living with courage and integrity means finding balance and alignment between our inner and outer selves. In other words, our identities, values, and beliefs inform the selves we bring to others.

But how do we find the courage to stand up for our coworkers, students, neighbors, family and friends, and ourselves amid exhausting and unprecedented challenges? The truth is, I’m not particularly thrilled with the person I’ve been bringing to work lately. On some mornings, I’m simply looking for the courage to get out of bed.

If you are like me, there are days when you feel emotionally weary, inept, and cynical—all characteristics of burnout. However, I’m finding that the science of courage offers a psychological lifeline, helping us to clarify what really matters so that we can find a steadier, values-based resolve—and even inspire it in others. I dove into the courage research with teachers in mind, but these tips are for everyone. 

Fortunately, courage comes in many forms. Although definitions range, researchers tend to agree that it features three primary components: a risk, an intention, and a goal that may benefit others. In a classic example, a student defends a peer who is being verbally assaulted by a bully, by interrupting the bully and telling them to stop. This purposeful act may come at a cost—perhaps socially or physically.

But courage doesn’t have to look dramatic or fearless. We express it in both bold and quiet ways. In fact, “general courage,” the confident or seemingly brazen actions perceived by others, differs from “personal courage,” those actions that are courageous in the minds of the actors themselves. It all depends on how you view the challenge in front of you and the fears associated with performing a particular behavior. In other words, these days, some of us may need significant “personal courage” to get out of bed and face the day on behalf of those students we value and care about. 

Why is just showing up courageous? Daily stressors can pile up, leading to emotional exhaustion, a sense of detachment from your work, and the feeling that you simply aren’t as capable as you thought you were—and if you don’t feel capable, you may not feel particularly confident. Yet courage is also associated with other positive character strengths, like persistence and integrity.

The good news is that there are many ways to tap into our capacity for courage, whether we are adults or students. Here are six. 

1. See yourself as courageous

First, if we describe ourselves as “courageous,” we are more likely to act courageously. In other words, if I tell myself that I’m a courageous person as I park in the school parking lot and walk into my school, it may actually give me a psychological boost and inspire me to meet the day with greater self-assurance.

Alternatively, we can take time to note and label all the courageous actions we have already taken in our lives. For example, when you consider how your childhood struggles inform your current relationships with coworkers or students, or how you made it through college as a single mom, or how you’ve learned to cope with a chronic health issue, you may be more likely to experience positive emotions while reconnecting with personal values and beliefs that can inspire future courageous behaviors. 

Consider conducting an inventory of past actions with your students or colleagues so that you can identify and celebrate individual acts of courage together. Then, discuss how those actions influence who you are now and who you want to be. 

2. Get comfortable with “mistakes”

We can recognize and celebrate courage with others, but it can also be a very internal, day-to-day experience. One of the most common ways we practice courage at work is in our pursuit of learning and personal growth. Research tells us that fear of failure can negatively correlate with courage, but what if it’s OK to make mistakes—and they are even welcomed learning tools? 

Studies indicate that students may benefit from making mistakes (and correcting them) rather than avoiding them at all costs. And when researchers reviewed 38 studies of resilience in response to failure, errors, or mistakes, they found that more resilient individuals had lower levels of perfectionism and a more positive way of explaining past events: “I haven’t solved this long division problem yet, but I’ll try another strategy next.” 

Another way to address fear of failure is through a simple practice you can share with your students or colleagues called “Crumpled Reminder,” where you write about a recent mistake you made, crumple up a paper representing your feelings about that mistake, and then discuss the ways mistakes strengthen brain activity and help us to learn and grow. Rather than fearing looming “failures,” seeing daily missteps as opportunities for learning frees all of us to appreciate learning for what it is—a process rather than a performance.

3. Keep trying

Courage at work also requires perseverance. As our fears lessen, we are more likely to persist in learning—to keep trying despite the obstacles ahead of us. And perseverance (or persistence), as a character strength, can also be modeled, observed, and developed. In fact, when adults model persistence in working toward a goal, infants as young as 15 months tend to mimic that behavior.

As teachers, we have a lot of power to influence our students’ efforts by sharing our own vulnerabilities while we read a challenging text, our own self-conscious emotions as we outline a timed essay, our stops and starts while solving a word problem, and our commitment to keep going. 

And research suggests that teachers’ growth mindsets, or belief that intelligence grows and changes with effort, can be linked to the development of students’ growth mindsets. This more positive, flexible mindset can improve students’ performance at school, boost their well-being and social competence, and even promote kind, helpful, and prosocial actions. All these benefits may bolster our capacity for courageous actions, too.

4. Look for the heroes

Of course, if we are feeling apathetic, anxious, or fearful about stepping up and doing that next best thing at school or in life, it can be helpful to draw inspiration from others—whether near or far, real or fictional. 

According to research, the individuals we admire may represent some aspect of our ideal selves as they demonstrate moral courage through difficult times and a desire to do good in the world. They can also inspire us to live more meaningful lives. Studies suggest that seeing images of heroes may move us to sense greater meaning in our lives—and even increase our drive to help others.

Basic social cognitive theory tells us that we are motivated through “vicarious experiences”—as we witness others’ actions. In fact, when adults observe courageous behaviors in their workplaces, like a teacher standing up for a group of students or a colleague advocating for an important policy, they are more likely to see the potential for organizational change and feel inspired to act courageously themselves.

Our students can benefit from models of courage, too. In the “Who Are Your Heroes?” lesson from Giraffe Heroes Project, students listen to and present hero stories, while exploring the risks and benefits of courageous acts. Stories like these can communicate shared values, make us more empathic, and may encourage us to help others. 

5. Clarify your values

You may recognize heroism or courage in others, but sometimes struggle to see it in yourself. If so, it may be helpful to ask yourself a few key questions:

  • What do I value in myself?
  • What do I “stand for”?
  • What is important to me?
  • What are some of my successes and accomplishments?

When researchers measured teachers’ responses to prompts like these, they found that teachers’ anxiety immediately decreased—and they experienced more positive emotions over time when compared to a control group. Teachers’ values drive their goals and behaviors at school, while supporting their well-being and a sense of self-efficacy at work. If we feel clear and capable, we may also feel more courageous.

Philosophers consider courage to be a foundational virtue because it guides us to act on behalf of other virtues or values. In fact, our convictions, values, sense of integrity, honor, and loyalty can all influence our courageous actions. When we experience a threat to our moral code, we are likely to act in a way that upholds our beliefs and values. And the more powerful the belief, the more likely you will not be influenced or swayed by those around you. 

You and your students can clarify your values and explore your character strengths through a range of simple practices for both adults and students, like Discovering Your Strengths and Talents, Eight Inner Strengths for Leaders, and Reminders that Encourage Moral Character Strengths.

6. Become part of a social force for courage

Finally, we can act on our values in community. After more than a year of isolation from each other—and the prospect of ongoing public health, environmental, and sociocultural crises—we are finding courage again in groups. 

Teachers and students are participating in social and emotional communities of practice, circles of courage, and other “circles” practices to nurture a sense of belonging, find emotional support, and engage in collective action. Studies indicate that social groups like these promote interdependence, social identity, and cohesion and influence courageous behavior, too. 

And one of the most empowering things we can do for our students right now is to support them in being courageous community problem solvers, too. 

Tribes Learning Communities curricula focus on active learning and community building among adults and students to reduce violence and increase kindness. For example, in their lesson “Put Down the Put-Downs,” students consider how hurtful name-calling really feels and brainstorm ways to end the problem in their classrooms and school. In this case, perspective taking and empathic responses can lead to more courageous and impassioned student action, cultivating a positive school and classroom climates where everyone is honored and vFurther, in the lesson “It’s Up to Us to Stick Our Necks Out,” students share stories about everyday heroes drawn from a free story bank, and then learn to “Be the Story” by selecting, planning, and enacting a service learning project to address a community challenge (such as homelessness, clean air or water, or a need for increased literacy). As we act on our values together, we may feel a greater sense of agency in a world that feels topsy-turvy right now. 


During those dark, winter mornings when you really don’t want to crawl out of bed and face the day, remember that courage can also be a very private, personal act. There will always be risks and challenges to face, but what really matters most—in your gut? Is it love, learning, curiosity, compassion, hope? How do these values inform who you are and how you show up in the world?

These are the key questions that can help us to frame our truest intentions—even on our most difficult days.

1Kids Camps60 copyThe north woods of Minnesota has long been the home for sleepaway summer camps.At Swift Nature Camp a skip over the Minnesota boader has a long and storied history of offering the most memorable and authentic overnight summer camp experiences in the country. They are especially knowen for their Exclusive 1st Timer Camp. The camp’s unique features and philosophy make it one of the best sleepaway summer camps in MN for families searching for a place their children can call their summer home.

One of the most important considerations for parents when selecting an overnight summer camp is their child’s safety. Swift Nature Camp is committed to ensuring that campers are safe and healthy at all times. All counselors and staff are well-trained and carry all necessary certifications. The camp also takes bullying seriously and takes steps to prevent unsafe situations. Safety is woven into the very culture of the camp.

Another important consideration for parents is whether their child will fit in and feel welcome. Swift Nature Camp takes special care to make sure every child gets the individual attention they need to thrive. With a 5:1 counselor-camper ratio and 3:1 in the 1st Timer Camp, a strong teen-leadership program exists for 16 & 17 year olds, the camp creates a supportive and welcoming environment. Positive cabin dynamics also help even the most introverted camper form connections and make friends.

For parents who are unsure about sending their child away to a Minnesota Summer Camp for an extended period of time, SNC offers a special two-week coed overnight camp for first-time campers only. In this “Discovery” camp, the cabin groups are smaller, and everyone is a new kid. The camp recognizes that it can be overwhelming for first-time campers and takes steps to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Best Camps Swift Nature Camp offers a wide variety of activities, giving campers a chance to explore their interests and develop new skills. Kids can participate in traditional camp activities like canoeing, archery, campfire building, and overnight camping trips. The camp also offers unique opportunities like caring for animals in the nature center and joining the group of clowns that perform for camp.

Finally, what sets Swift Nature Camp apart from other summer camps in MN. is its commitment to helping campers grow into the best version of themselves. The camp gives campers a chance to develop a new skill without the distraction of electronics and social media. Spending time away from their familiar support system gives campers a way to build their confidence, independence, and self-worth. The camp provides the perfect environment to develop valuable social skills and form friendships that last a lifetime.

Swift Nature Camp is an excellent choice for families searching for a sleepaway summer camp in the Northwoods of Minnesota that will provide a unique and memorable experience for their children. The camp’s emphasis on safety, individual attention, and growth make it one of the best summer camps available. With a wide range of activities and a supportive community, Swift Nature Camp is a place where children can thrive and make memories that will last a lifetime.


 Best Camps

Over the past 2 summers and 25 weeks of camp we have worked hard to keep our campers safe from the COVID virus while still providing a summer of fun. Recently, I came across this Forbes Magazine article explaining what schools and other child centers can learn from overnight summer camps.


Successful Multimodal Covid Control In Summer Camp

A new CDC report demonstrates how using multiple Covid-19 prevention strategies at nine US overnight summer camps was highly effective in preventing transmission of Covid-19, even in the wake of the Delta variant. Amongst  7,173 campers and staff members at nine overnight camps between June and August 2021, there were only nine laboratory-confirmed cases and no secondary infections detected. This is in striking contrast to many other summer camps, that used few mitigations and experienced rapid outbreaks.

This group of summer camps serves as a microcosm for how we can approach effective Covid control nationwide. The CDC report did not attribute the success of this strategy to a single modality, instead, it was the multiple layers of protection that ensured zero secondary transmission of the virus. The success of this multimodal Covid-19 control can serve as a guide for other congregate settings.    

The layers of protection used by the summer camps included; vaccination (93% of eligible children were vaccinated), pre-arrival and frequent screening testing (both rapid and PCR), creating social “pods” or cohorts within the camp, masking, physical distancing, and hand hygiene through the use of sanitizing stations. 

Pods began as groups of campers and staff members who shared a cabin. Pod residents were allowed to interact with each other without masking or physically distancing. Pods were then gradually merged in stages, growing from one cabin to multiple cabins, to age groups. Through this method, three out of nine camps eventually reached camp-wide pod expansion. 

One camp also used wastewater surveillance testing three times per week. Wastewater surveillance has been an underused yet cost-effective, non-invasive mass testing strategy throughout the pandemic that can detect virus shed by symptomatic and asymptomatic people alike. Ahttps://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mSystems.00793-21" aria-label="study" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 56, 145); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-skip: objects;"> study from UC San Diego demonstrates that wastewater surveillance can detect Covid-19 in a single infected, asymptomatic person living or working in a multi-unit dwelling such as a college campus building. This makes wastewater surveillance a highly effective intervention for congregate living situations.  

In addition to these on-site interventions, each camp also requested that staff members and campers adhere to masking and physical distancing when interacting with persons outside their immediate family for 10–14 days before arrival and while traveling to camp. Campers across all nine camps were required to submit at least one negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test result from a test performed within 72 hours before the start of camp, regardless of vaccination status.

The frequency and type of screening testing during camp varied across the camps and by vaccination status. In addition to a prearrival RT-PCR screening test, at least three screening tests were required by all camps for unvaccinated campers through the first 12 days after arrival. Six camps used a combination of rapid antigen and RT-PCR testing for screening; the remaining three used only RT-PCR testing for screening. RT-PCR test results were returned within approximately 12–24 hours. 

The screening testing was successful in identifying six confirmed Covid-19 cases (one in a staff member and five in campers) by RT-PCR testing. Three additional cases (in two staff members and one camper) were identified based on symptoms and were confirmed by RT-PCR testing. A successful isolation and quarantine program for those cases meant that there were no secondary cases of Covid-19.    

The nine cases were spread across four camps. Three of the nine cases occurred in vaccinated staff members and six in unvaccinated campers aged 8–14 years. The three staff member cases were identified before the arrival of campers. One case in a vaccinated symptomatic staff member occurred during the initial staff week, and the other two cases in vaccinated staff members (one asymptomatic, one symptomatic) occurred between sessions. Two of the six campers with cases were asymptomatic and identified by prearrival screening; these campers did not enter the camp. Three additional cases were identified by screening testing, and one was identified because the camper was symptomatic; all were identified within the first 8 days of camp. 

The study's authors provide great detail about the impact of testing and pod interventions on virus transmission rates, but further research is needed on how masking, hand hygiene, wastewater surveillance, and physical distancing impacted virus transmission.    

Camp locations were spread across the nation in New England, Middle Atlantic, the South, Midwest, and West. This means that the data obtained was not influenced by local case prevalence.   

Summer camps (outside of the study’s group of nine) that focused only on measures such as prearrival testing without subsequent testing or other preventative measures https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6943a4.htm?s_cid=mm6943a4_w" aria-label="experienced rapid outbreaks" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 56, 145); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-skip: objects;">experienced rapid outbreaks. A boys’ overnight summer school retreat in Wisconsin required all attendees to provide documentation of either a positive serologic test result within the past 3 months or a negative RT-PCR test result less than 7 days before traveling to the retreat, or self-quarantine within their households for 7 days before travel, and to wear masks during travel. This kind of policy ignores the reality of reinfection and the strong possibility of becoming asymptomatically infected in transit to the retreat or within the 7-day testing window. Unsurprisingly, this retreat experienced an outbreak that was traced back to a single student who had received a negative test result less than one week before the retreat and led to 116 (76%) diagnosed Covid-19 cases among the campers. The lack of other mitigation measures meant that the virus spread quickly throughout the camp. 

The RT-PCR screening tests used at the nine camps had a quick turnaround time of 12-24 hours for results. But with the reopening of schools and workplaces increasing demand for PCR testing and putting a strain on labs, the turnaround time is significantly slower, rendering the tests far less effective. In Pittsburgh, the turnaround time is presently between 4-6 days as opposed to the usual 1-2 days. This is where rapid testing can be incredibly effective in preventing the rapid transmission of the virus in congregate settings. 

Rapid tests are betterhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8049601/" aria-label="suited" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 56, 145); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-skip: objects;"> suited than PCR tests for identifying and containing the pre-symptomatic spread of the virus. A UK study,https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01908-5/fulltext" aria-label="published in the Lancet" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 56, 145); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-skip: objects;"> published in the Lancet, found that schools using a test-to-stay protocol had similar rates of symptomatic Covid-19 infection to those using quarantines. However widespread accessibility to rapid tests in the US is presently hampered by a cumbersome F.D.A. process intended for high-tech medical devices. To be approved, the rapid tests must demonstrate that they are nearly as sensitive as the gold standard PCR. tests. But rapid tests do not need to be as sensitive, PCR tests often identify small amounts of the Covid virus in people who had been infected weeks earlier and are no longer contagious. Rapid tests can miss these cases while still identifying approximately 98 percent of cases in which a person is infectious. 

Rapid tests are the “public health gold standard” and should therefore be regulated as a Public Health Good. President Biden could accomplish this with a simple Executive Order, increasing competition among manufacturers and flooding the market with inexpensive, high-quality rapid tests. In an ideal scenario, tests should be provided free to all households to encourage their frequent use, like they are in many countries. But Federal bulk orders of rapid tests would also bring the price down closer to a dollar, making them accessible for all who need them.  

By taking advantage of rapid testing and implementing the multiple successful preventative strategies used by these summer camps we can prevent high levels of transmission in schools, colleges, workplaces, and other congregate settings. This data is particularly useful for schools given the youth demographic involved. Our focus needs to shift to multiple layers of prevention and protection working in tandem with medical interventions.

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As a summer camp director for over 25 years families often ask why camp has such a positive impact on kids. I usually answer with "Camp Magic". Yet researcher have been researching what children need during their summer of no school and magically Overnight Summer Camp meets all of the requirements. Below is their article published on the Society of Behavioral Medicine.


Lazy Days of Summer: How to keep children active all year long

Dori Pekmezi, PhD; University of Alabama at Birmingham
Linda Trinh, PhD; University of Toronto
Diane Ehlers, PhD; University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jennette Moreno, PhD; Baylor College of Medicine

It is known that children are less active over summer break. A recent study among children 6 to 9 years of age showed that physical activity dropped by 53% during the summer months. Moreover, time spent in sedentary activities (e.g., screen time) increases. According to the national survey data, children watch more television (+18+ minutes/day) over summer break than during the school year.

There are many possible reasons for these seasonal differences in physical activity. School days typically involve regular physical activity sessions (e.g., recess, PE class) and limited screen time, which may have a protective effect on children’s health behaviors. The structured days hypothesis suggests that disruptions in such routines are responsible for lower physical activity levels over the summer. However, parents also play a role. Past research found that third and fourth grade parents restricted screen time during the school year to encourage homework completion and then relaxed these rules once school was out of session.

Declines in physical activity over the summer can have adverse effects on children’s health (e.g., weight gain). Numerous studies have shown that body mass index increases more in the summer than in other seasons. Excess weight gain can lead to obesity and poorer metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and mental health for children. Overweight/obese, low income, Black, and Hispanic children are at increased risk for summer surges in body mass index. Thus, physical activity in the summer months is critical for children’s health.

What the Experts Say

Dr. Jennette Moreno from Baylor College of Medicine is an SBM member and content expert with the following advice.

What tips do you have for parents to keep kids active during summer?

Tip 1Infuse structure into your child’s summer. During the school year, children have to get up and get going, but this may not be the case during the summer. Set up a routine that gets them moving. This may involve going to summer camp, taking walks, going to swim lessons, or just having a standing playdate with friends. Also going to bed at a similar time during the summer as during the school year will help your child to be rested and active the next day.

Tip 2: Be prepared for the weather. Heat, humidity, and inclement weather are common barriers to outdoor physical activity. Take advantage of mornings before it really heats up. Water activities can help beat the heat, but also have indoor physical activity options ready to go, like online yoga and PE videos geared towards kids. My kids love dance parties, playing twister, turning board games into active play by running after the dice and adding jumping jacks in between turns. On bad weather days, check out local climbing gyms, indoor playgrounds, or bowling alleys.

Tip 3: Place limits on screen time. If given the choice, many kids will pick screen time over going outside to play. However, if screen time is limited, they may find something more active to do. One idea is to set your devices to not be accessible during school hours (even during summer) and only allow a pre-specified number of hours of screen time. This is how my kids got into designing obstacle courses outside.

Tip 4: Find a buddy. Kids are more likely to be active when other kids are around. Scheduling playdates, getting involved in a local kids group like scouts or a sports team are great ways to help kids maintain social relationships and encourage active play during summer.

How can schools/communities help kids stay active over the summer?
What about public health practitioners and policy makers-how can they help?

Teachers often ask children to read, journal, and practice math facts during summer. I would love to see schools design physical activity curriculars for kids to do at home during summer and keep the playgrounds open and accessible. Other important ways to help promote physical activity among children during summer is to make sure all families have access to high-quality affordable childcare during summer. As well as encouraging walkable neighborhoods in which children regardless of socioeconomic status have access to safe parks, playgrounds, splash pads, and public swimming pools within walking distance of their homes.

Kids Camp 67

With the summer quickly approaching, many college-aged students are probably looking for a summer job. It can be hard to find seasonal work, especially with a pandemic going on, but there is one industry that provides fun seasonal work, fantastic benefits, and adventure like you’ve never experienced before. Summer camp. The camp world has not been left untouched by COVID-19, with many camps being closed last summer and COVID-19 still being an issue for this summer, many camps are still actively searching for staff members to join their team. Camp is a fantastic place to work for many different reasons, but also offers opportunities you cannot find at any other job. 

While it may not look like it on the surface, overnight summer camp has fantastic benefits, It Is The Best Summer Job. Not only will you get paid by the camp you work for, but you also do not have to spend nearly as much money as you have to working any other job. Camp takes care of your housing, making sure you always have a place to sleep at night. It also will make you food, saving the hassle of having to buying food and making it later. Long drive to work? Not at camp! Working at camp means you don’t have to spend all of your money buying gas to drive places. Better yet, if you like going out into nature or on overnight trips, some camps will pay you to do the things you love. For just these benefits alone, camp is worth looking into, but this really represents the tip of the iceberg.

Maybe you are someone who like jobs that allow for personal growth and exploration of your talents and abilities, a constant test of your skills. Camp is arguably one of the greatest places to do all of this. There is something about being in charge of a bunch of children that are not your own that is oddly therapeutic and incredibly satisfying. The deep interpersonal relationships you can build with people at camp allows you to discover new things about yourself and to find the things you truly love and have a passion for. In fact, camp does best when it shows off people’s passions. Teaching kids about your passions, to play instruments, to write poetry, or how to shoot a bow and arrow, may have a hugely significant impact on them, so profound they may end up becoming the next big band or an Olympic-level archer. You must always be sharp at camp, willing to be stressed, to be pulled in more ways than you can handle, to be overtired, physically exhausted, to push yourself to your own limits, day after day, week after week. It almost sounds like military training, but this is why this line of work is so satisfying. You do all of this hard work and get to directly see the results of your efforts, as every piece of work you do at camp ultimately is for the campers, and a positive reaction from them means that you did a good job. Smiling, happy campers make the stressful hard days completely worthwhile. 

Even when sleep away camp is closed for the year and you return back to the normal world, you will likely find it still impacts your life. Many of the lessons and skills you learned at camp will now heavily affect your life. Maybe you will become better at managing you stress and time, or maybe you will be able to get a job as a lifeguard at a local pool after getting trained to be one at camp over the summer. There are certainly a plethora of personal benefits after working at camp for a summer. While you are at camp, you will likely meet coworkers who you will form close friendships with. Some of these friendships may even last a lifetime. An especially great aspect of camp is that it prepares you for parenthood. If you think you may want children at any time in your life, the skills that you learn at camp are invaluable. Being surrounded by children all day will allow you to grow a specific skillset for raising children that you may not have possessed previously. 

Working in the summer camp world has proven to be wildly rewarding. Personally, I have gained so much from working in camp, things that will last me for the rest of my days. For that, I could not be more thankful. If you need a job for the summer that you will not regret having, look into work in the camp world. It may be outside of your comfort zone, it may be hard, but it most certainly will be one of the best decisions you will make if you fully apply yourself to the job. Some days you will look around and be having so much fun that it will not even feel like working. Take a risk and go on adventures this summer, work at a summer camp.

Canoe Camp 65Roughing It: The Benefits of Tripping at Summer Camp

Too often today are we surrounded by life’s luxuries, so much so that we can begin to take these things for granted. There seems to be an endless supply of food and water, sturdy shelters, and freedom from the primal forces of nature. However, for those who are brave enough to go venturing into the wild to go camping with no more than necessary equipment and provisions, they find themselves not only on an outdoor adventure, but also a personal journey. One group who can particularly benefit from these experiences are children, and summer camps can provide this opportunity to them. While there are tripping camps, designed so that the majority of the camp experience is with tripping, there are other camps that also can provide these experiences, though perhaps less often. These trips at a Minnesota Summer Camp can create life-changing experiences, allowing campers to grow both their skills in tripping and in life.

The first and most basic goal of tripping is for campers to learn how to live and work with nature. No longer can they go and get food or water from the fridge, but now must survive with what they have, and what they can even scavenge. Being in nature provides a great opportunity to teach campers about how to purify water, fire safety, edible and medicinal flora, and so much more. As they go on more and more trips, campers will grow their outdoor experience, making them better at tripping, but also more knowledgeable of the natural world around them. Camp can provide a unique experience for campers to be leaders. Not every kid that goes to camp has spent a night in the woods with not much more than a tent, but some have, and these campers can be turned to as leaders that can assist and pass on their tripping knowledge. Giving campers responsibility in these scenarios allows them to develop various skills, another important aspect of tripping.

Another goal of tripping is self-improvement and development. Trips are not always easy, in fact, they can be extremely challanging. There are so many factors that are outside of our control that suddenly can change everything, like weather, accidents, or the particular environment you are camping in. These challenges are both an obstacle to be overcome and a lesson in life. It teaches campers to focus on the things they can control rather than the things they cannot control, to work efficiently and effectively, and with certain tasks, to work together and synergize. Maybe the trip was more difficult than anticipated, but that too can have a positive effect. This can show them that they overcame a great challenge, and if they say that it was the hardest thing they ever did, then show them how impressive it is that they rose to the challenge. Along with this, you can take this chance to teach skills that are much more applicable to everyday life. While they may not always use a campfire as their heat source, you can teach campers how to cook. Theres always cleaning up to do after taking camp down, so teach them how to do dishes and make sure they leave no trace. The importance of these developments cannot be understated and can have a hugely positive impact on the camper’s whole life.

Lastly, the goal of Adventure Camp Trips is to allow campers to have fun. It allows for a change of pace in life, to try new things, see spectacular places, and live in it all. Go canoeing if you can, try swimming up river and float back down. There are unique experiences offered on trips that simply cannot be replicated in other places. Making the actual trip to the location can be an adventure itself. When hiking, make sure to look around more and make up silly games and songs to keep it more engaging for campers. Canoeing can offer fun places to have a mid-paddle lunch right next to the river or lake. If a trip has taken a turn for the worst, adding a little bit of fun can boost morale enough to make it home, and there may be no better feeling than getting home from a trip in the wild.

Covid-19 has taken us all for an unspected ride sort of like a never ending roller coaster and just as you want to stop it continues around the track one more time. At Swift we have run camp during COVID in 2020 and will do the same in 2021. I came accross this article and it really highlight the decisions camp directors are making for a safe summer. Most if not all discussed are things we will be doing this summer at Swift Nature Camp

Be safe in 2021? Here's what you need to know

By Lisa Drayer, CNN Mar 23, 2021 

The thought of summer camp in the not-too-distant future will likely bring smiles to many parents' faces.

After all, splashing in a pool, getting messy with arts and crafts, and running around a soccer or baseball field is probably a welcome break from nonstop Roblox games, too much time spent on social media, and endless Zooming.

Indeed, camp is an opportunity for children and teens to socialize with friends in a way that the school year has not necessarily allowed.

But will it be safe for your child to attend day camp or sleepaway camp this summer?

"This year, camp directors are carefully planning all aspects of camp with Covid-19 in mind," said Rhino Merrick, camp director of Camp Sloane YMCA in Lakeville, Connecticut, which operates both day camp and sleepaway camps on the same property.

"The research demonstrates that camps which are implementing multilayered nonpharmaceutical interventions -- including mitigation strategies such as masking, physical distancing and maintaining cohorts or separate groups -- when they do these things consistently and diligently, the research shows they are able to safely operate in person," said Tom Rosenberg, president and CEO of the American Camp Association.

There were 102 Covid-19 cases reported in close to 500 camps serving 90,000 campers in 2020, according to a Tufts University study, funded in part by ACA. That number represented less than 1% of campers and staff, and an outcome related to camps adopting strategies that halt the spread of the virus, including quarantining, contact tracing, cohorting and sanitization practices.

"Last summer when we were in the midst of the pandemic, we ran our day camps safely with no incidents, and this was shared entirely by the day camp industry in the tri-state -- and sleepaway camps operated with tough protocols across the country and with rare exceptions, had excellent results, said Jay Jacobs, CEO of the TLC Family of Camps and director of Timber Lake Camp in Shandaken, New York.

"This summer, I think we are going to be in a much better situation, and that is basically because you are going to have staff being vaccinated," Jacobs added.

"We are all in a very different place now, we know so much more now, and we know that after the year we've experienced, that campers and staff need camp -- they need to be outside and connect with other campers," said Jane Kagan, director of Lake Bryn Mawr Camp for girls in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, where my daughters, 11 and 8, will be attending this summer. "They need to get off Zoom and get into lakes and get dirty and eat smores."

"We know so much more now that we didn't know last year at this time. Camp directors are experts at planning, and we are all going to be prepared," Kagan said.

Here are some factors to keep in mind when considering camp for your child this summer, according to camp experts:

1. Will testing be required prior to entry and during camp?

At Bryn Mawr, testing will take place in stages: Campers and staff will be required to have a negative molecular, or RT-PCR test, prior to arrival at camp. Then campers and staff will be tested on arrival day, on day five and on day 14 of camp.

"Our goal is to enable camp to run as normally as we can, once the safety of our community is in the right place," Kagan said.

"For the first five days, only bunks will be going together to activities," Kagan said. "After day five, assuming all campers and staff test negative, we will expand to divisions, where each age group can be together. After receiving negative results from day 14, the hope is we are a clean and healthy camp and we can sing together in the dining room and have campfires."

After day 14 tests results are received, however, masks will still be required to be worn when the entire camp community comes together, Kagan added.

As an extended bubble, the sleepaway camp model is in a good position to use testing as an overlay to an already vaccinated staff, according to Jacobs, who will be implementing similar testing measures. But children at TLC's day camps will also be required to have a negative Covid-19 test before entering camp, he said.

2. What are the camp's safety protocols?

"We have been working tirelessly to make sure we have the most relevant information (about the virus) and have enlisted medical experts and epidemiologists to help us develop the safest protocols," Kagan said.

As chair of the Veterans of the Camping Experience, Kagan hosted a webinar with executives from Disney and the National Basketball Association with over 100 camp directors about the NBA's successful 2020 bubble experience, so she and other camp staff could apply what they learned, to sleepaway camp settings.

"If LeBron James can be in a place for three months and not have contact with the outside, I believe our 20-year-old staff are going to make it this summer," Kagan said. "The big takeaway -- that we will be doing throughout the summer -- is that we are really minimizing the people who come in from the outside."

Here are some health and safety questions to consider: Will masks be required to be worn by campers, especially in indoor settings and during bus rides to and from day camp? Will physical distancing be required, for both indoor and outdoor settings and especially when masks are not worn? Will lunch be eaten outdoors or with adequate distancing when indoors? Will campers travel in cohorts either initially or throughout the entire camp season?

"For us, we are looking to create small pods of kids that will do activities together versus elective-based where kids are moving all over the place based on the schedule they create for themselves," Merrick said. "While this system will be new to our sleepaway camp programs, it is similar to how we have run our day camp in the past and will allow us to be able to better contact trace throughout the summer."

Other questions may include details about hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting protocols at camp, as well as whether adequate ventilation systems are in place for indoor spaces.

3. Can the camp adjust protocols based on the incidence of the virus in the local neighborhood?

Last summer, day camps were so successful because there was very little of the virus around in July and August, according to Jacobs. But the positivity rate during testing can change at any point in time.

"We will be monitoring the prevalence of the virus, community by community," said Jacobs, whose TLC Family of Camps includes three-day camps and three sleepaway camps in New York and Pennsylvania. "If the prevalence is higher, our protocols are designed to meet the threat."

If the prevalence is lower, the protocols can be adjusted. "We should develop our protocols like layers of an onion -- as the threat goes down, you peel off the things that you don't need because you don't have to protect against them," Jacobs said.

"We are really watching the transmission of the virus, and how things are evolving. It is possible that protocols could look different in June if the transmission rates are low. We are preparing for the most challenging and hoping for the most normal," Kagan added.

4. Will staff be vaccinated?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared that camp staff will be considered essential workers and therefore eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, though each state governor ultimately decides which workers are deemed essential in their state, according to ACA.

"In our camps, we are requiring all staff to be vaccinated before the summer," Jacobs said, adding that a vaccinated staff "will take a great deal of the stress out of the equation."

5. What is the plan if a camper or staffer develops Covid-19 symptoms or tests positive for the virus?

Is there a place to isolate a camper or staff member? Will the related cohort and anyone the person was in contact with be tested and quarantined?

"For overnight camps that have longer sessions, camps are expected to have quarantine facilities for individuals who are symptomatic, campers who have had prolonged exposure to persons who are symptomatic or Covid-positive persons, especially when the camp draws campers from outside the local area," Rosenberg said. "For overnight camps with shorter sessions, parents may opt to pick up their camper or staff person, although the camp will still have isolation facilities."

"Right now, the CDC guidance is to have a plan for if a camper gets sick. For Camp Sloane YMCA that means quarantining a child in our health center until such time as a parent can pick them up and bring them to a place where they can continue to quarantine," Merrick said. "By using the pod-based approach, we will be better informed as to which campers may have been exposed to the virus and the entire pod will need to leave camp and get a negative test before coming back to camp."

6. Lastly, are you comfortable with the camp's values and its directors?

"It is critical to assess whether or not the camp's philosophy meets a family's values," Merrick said. This includes assessing health and safety protocols and whether or not the camp's activities are appropriate and engaging for a child.

Kagan feels the level of trust between parents and camp directors is the most important part of the decision-making process when it comes to choosing a camp.

"We drive everything. ... There needs to be a comfort level between parents and camp directors, who are ultimately responsible for taking care of your child, whether in a pandemic or not in a pandemic," Kagan said.

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Phone: 630-654-8036



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Phone: 715-466-5666
